When, we review, the pressing - issues, today, with those, in the past, it often seems, very little progress has been made, probably, for a variety of reasons! While some public officials, seem unwilling, and/ or, afraid to take - a - stand, probably, GEOG 3000 Homework Help & Answers because of what, they perceive as personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest, we also witness, some well - meaning, individuals, who are far - more, idealist, who rarely get anything done/ achieved, because they refuse to seek any meeting - of - the - minds, for the greater good, and using a PRAGMATIC approach, in order to get - the - ball - rolling! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it makes common sense, and truly, matters. 1. Priorities; planning/ plans; phases; performance; preparation: Whose priorities are met, when those, who consider themselves, to be idealists, refuse to compromise, in order to begin, on a timely basis, addressing pressing priorities? 

How one plans, and how well - considered, the planning, often, makes a big difference! We must recognize, that, almost always, achieving needed objectives, requires, a mind - set, which will realize, it will need to be done, in quality, phases! The level and thoroughness of preparation, is, often, directly - related to the eventual performance, etc! 2. Relevant; reliable; responsible/ responsive; realistic: Seeking the best solutions, to sustainable needs, etc, needs a realistic approach, etc! The only responsible path, should be, responsive actions, but, unfortunately, partisan politics, often, interferes with that! We must demand elected officials, offer reliable service and representation, consistently, in a relevant, and sustainable manner! 3.

Attitude; aptitude; actions; attention; articulate: It takes a true, positive, can - do, attitude, and a well - developed, aptitude, to deliver the finest, needed actions! Great public leaders pay keen attention, to the bigger - picture, and articulate a message, seeking, a meeting - of - the - minds, for the greater good! 4. Goals; greatness; greater good; generate goodwill: We must elect people, whose goals, emphasize greatness, generating goodwill, and bringing us, together, for the greater good! 5. Meaningful; make mark; motivate:

 Evaluate elected officials, based on whether they make their mark, for the better, motivate us towards cooperation and addressing priorities, and doing so, in a thorough, meaningful manner! 6. Aspirations; assumptions: We will all benefit, when we elect, based on our aspirations, rather than any negative assumptions! 7. Timely; time - tested; together; truth/ trust: The only way to earn our trust, is by telling the truth! We need to come together, in a well - considered, timely way, and learn lessons from the past, in a time - tested manner! 8. Integrity; inspire; imagination; innovate:

 Most would be inspired, by someone, who, clearly, proceeds, with absolute integrity! If that individual proceeded with a relevant imagination, and the inner - strength, to innovate, would go far! 9. Common sense; character; cooperate/ coordinate: Why does it seem, there is so little, common sense, used, by elected officials? If, we elected individuals, with a better, quality of character, who prioritizes cooperation, and were capable of coordinating efforts, we might, actually, see some pressing issues, finally, addressed! It's great to be idealistic, but, what good, does it serve, if nothing gets achieved! Let's commit to electing, idealist individuals, who are also, realistic, and PRAGMATIC!


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